1. When a company is not registered with the Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver.
  2. When the company has not settled its payments to the Department of Social Insurance Services.
  3. When the participant is a public worker.
  4. When the participant is self-employed.
  5. When the participant has attended a similar course in the two years preceding the end-date of the seminar.
  6. When a long-term unemployed already participated in an HRDA-approved seminar within the same year.
  7. Pensioners.

Please follow the link https://bit.ly/2LCU9QS  to read the respective information with respect to the employers.

For participants under the status "Employed" (Company) the following documents need to be submitted to HRDA.

  1. ΕΝΤΥΠΟ 6 (ΠΕ)
  2. ΕΝΤΥΠΟ Κ.Ε.2


Additionally, for participants under the Status "Unemployed" the following document needs to be submitted to HRDA on the link: http://www.anad.org.cy/easyconsole.cfm/page/project/p_id/473

  1. ΕΝΤΥΠΟ 1 (ΠΕ- Α)



Follow the link: http://www.hrdauth.org.cy/easyconsole.cfm/page/project/p_id/179/pc_id/17139 

Then go to Section "Έγγραφα και Έντυπα σχετικά με τη λειτουργία του Σχεδίου".


The employees of a company can receive the HRDA subsidy if:

  • The company is registered.
  • The business has settled its Social Insurance contributions in full.
  • The business has settled its Industrial training contributions in full.

Note: Based on the HRDA policy, an employee can attend the same course and/or a similar seminar/workshop,  only after two years have passed from the completion date of the attended seminar.

Please follow the link https://bit.ly/2LCU9QS   to read the respective information for the employers.


Based on  HRDA policies, a maximum of 10 employees from the same company may attend a public course at any one time.

Please follow the link https://bit.ly/2LCU9QS   to read the respective information for the employers.

HRDA subsidies long-term and short-term unemployed with 6 euros per training hour.

The participant needs to provide to IPE the following documentation:

  1. Αίτηση Συμμετεχής και επιχορήγησης Ανέργου
  2. Παραπεμπτικό σπό ΔΥΑ.
  3. ES19:  Έντυπο Ανανέωσης Εγγραφής Ανέργου


Note: IPE may charge additional amount, further to the subsidy amount.